. . . but I'm really not.
I am excitedly looking forward to the September 25th opening of what, in all likelihood, will be the most immoral, filthy movie of the year: I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell
This movie is based on a book, which is in turn, collected from the stories on a website by a self-admitted asshole named Tucker Max. I own a copy of the book, and had read all of the stories on his website before getting it (there are a couple in the book that weren't ever on the site).
I'll admit it. I find Tucker Max to be hilarious! Fucking funny beyond belief! So funny that I can't read certain stories on his website without doubling over in painful "i-can't-breath-while-i'm-laughing-this-hard" laughter.
This guy has an almost non-existent moral compass. All he wants to do is drink, get laid, be funny, and drink some more.
He's like the ultimate frat boy.
By all rights, I should find him reprehensible. Or at least tiresome. But I don't.
I'm not sure what it says about me that I delight in his sophomoric antics and complete lack of any sense of propriety. But delight in them, I most certainly do.
Most of my friends who I've told about Tucker roll their eyes at me indulgently. I sat Scott down in front of the computer to read one of the stories, and laughed uproariously while he looked at me like I was insane for laughing at such drivel.
It's not like I'm one of those "lowest common denominator" guys who laughs at any old fart joke; But for some reason, this guy just cracks my shit up.
And for all of his failings, there is something I really respect about Tucker Max (beyond the fact that I nearly pee my pants laughing at his writing, that is).
He is who he is. He owns it. He knows he's got failings. He doesn't apologize for being himself. He holds his head up high and says "This is me. Take it or leave it. I'm living the life I want to live on my terms." He doesn't compromise himself for anyone else. How can you not admire a person who has that strong a sense of self, and likes themselves for it.
That kind of personal strength and refusal to try and be something else to please other people is something that we should all aspire to.
That's right. I said it.
Tucker Max should be an example to all of us.
So, I'm looking forward to seeing his movie.
Other people say that he needs to grow up, but I say that when I grow up, I want to be like Tucker Max . . . .
. . . . without the whole "having sex with girls" and "drinking until I puke" thing, of course. That'd be gross.
Sarah Jessica Parker - Vogue Editorial
7 years ago
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