The one that always makes me chuckle, however, is "Gays have excellent taste."
Yeah . . . but no.
Frankly, there are some seriously tacky queens out there. We practically invented "camp" and "kitsch" for crissake! Which is fine. To each his own. I don't judge . . .Much . . . Outloud . . . To their face . . .
Every now and then, however, along comes a couple of queens who up the "oh, god, you've got to be shitting me" quotient to new heights of tack-o-rama.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is one of those times. Introducing the newest product that all the queers will be dying to get into . . . at least that's what the creators are hoping:
Gay Coffins.
Seriously. Two guys in Germany have created gay-themed caskets and urns. They're covered with pictures of scantily clad men.
Really? REALLY?
Apparently there are "rainbow" caskets and urns available too.
Yeah, because THAT wouldn't be tacky.
Some days, I wonder why I bothered to come out of the casket . . . er . . . . closet.
Jeeze! I am reminded of a greek friese as interpreted by Big Lots. Too funny!